Business Challenge

The natural drift in companies implementing EDI for Healthcare is to focus solely on complying with trading partners’ requirements. This makes it hard to foresee the impact such an invasive process will have across your organization. The complexity involved with EDI, and the challenge of managing claim, enrollment, and payment data, perpetuates the problem. You end up with an architecture that was not designed to scale, adapt to new trading partners and requirements, or tightly integrate with existing or future internal applications.

How This Affects You

  • You achieve EDI compliance, but you unwillingly implement a disjointed process that is not tightly integrated.
  • You struggle with every new change, and must allocate costly resources to adapt.
  • Your claim, enrollment, and payment data is increasingly difficult to manage, view, validate, troubleshoot; your valuable technical and business resources are being overburdened.

Wouldn’t it be great if…

  • You could implement a proven solution that not only makes you EDI compliant, but is flexible enough to handle your unique internal requirements?
  • You could quickly and easily scale to handle change, add trading partners and transactions, and provide your internal systems with clean, validated data?
  • You could handle EDI and non-EDI data in a standardized process?

The Results

Shortened implementation time by 70%
Achieved >98% claim accuracy
Gained Medicaid book of business
Accepted into CMS Claim Acceptance Pilot Program


  • You believe your EDI investment should do more than just make you compliant…
  • You would like to avoid the costly and painful “learning curve” of continually working towards a mature EDI solution…
  • You would like to be able to handle new requirements easily and beat critical deadlines…


You need Focused E-Commerce’s Complete EDI Solution for Healthcare – a unique approach that includes a proven roadmap for EDI and Healthcare integration which leverages “real world” solutions to challenges faced by companies as unique as yours.


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